Wednesday, 22 March 2017

How to Stretch Before Running

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Sports Massage 
Castlebar Mayo Ireland

Repairing and restoring: the secrets of sports massage

While many find a massage pleasurable, the timing is very important – and also whether you are carrying an injury

Those whose resolve to get fit remains undimmed this far into 2017 should already be reaping the physical and mental rewards of regular activity. But those aiming to boost their athletic performance should remember that heavier training increases the risk of injury.
A 2012 report in the British Journal of Sports Medicine stated that around 45 per cent of sports-related injuries derive from muscle strains and muscle trauma. Yet although skeletal muscle can repair itself, healing can be slow and injuries may recur. So how can we help avert skeletal muscle injuries and accelerate recovery from them? Factors such as training load, stretching and diet are important, but anecdotal evidence shows the value of massage therapy, which includes relief of muscle tension and stiffness, faster healing of muscle strains and ligament sprains, reduced muscle pain and enhanced flexibility.
Merrell brand ambassador Dr Andrew Murray has competed as an ultra-runner at international level, and is a sports and exercise medicine consultant to the European Tour Golf, the SportScotland Institute of Sport, and University of Edinburgh. He told The Irish Times: “In pure performance terms, the things that make the biggest difference for running are to train adequately, and train smart; eat healthily – if it’s advertised on TV it’s probably bad for you; and sleep at least seven to eight hours per night. But beyond that,” he added, “many things may make a smaller difference. At a performance level, it’s common to see athletes receiving a massage – some of them call it a ‘flush’ – after a hard session, or to work out those aches and pains. Some people say it helps remove lactic acid, or release knots from muscles, etc and it can be valuable to aid relaxation, with many finding it a pleasant experience.”

Murray also highlights the small gaps between success and failure, noting that in the Olympics the difference between gold and fourth is less than 1 per cent, in which case sports massage may help bridge such gaps.

Those whose resolve to get fit remains undimmed this far into 2017 should already be reaping the physical and mental rewards of regular activity. But those aiming to boost their athletic performance should remember that heavier training increases the risk of injury.
A 2012 report in the British Journal of Sports Medicine stated that around 45 per cent of sports-related injuries derive from muscle strains and muscle trauma. Yet although skeletal muscle can repair itself, healing can be slow and injuries may recur. So how can we help avert skeletal muscle injuries and accelerate recovery from them? Factors such as training load, stretching and diet are important, but anecdotal evidence shows the value of massage therapy, which includes relief of muscle tension and stiffness, faster healing of muscle strains and ligament sprains, reduced muscle pain and enhanced flexibility.
Merrell brand ambassador Dr Andrew Murray has competed as an ultra-runner at international level, and is a sports and exercise medicine consultant to the European Tour Golf, the SportScotland Institute of Sport, and University of Edinburgh. He told The Irish Times: “In pure performance terms, the things that make the biggest difference for running are to train adequately, and train smart; eat healthily – if it’s advertised on TV it’s probably bad for you; and sleep at least seven to eight hours per night. But beyond that,” he added, “many things may make a smaller difference. At a performance level, it’s common to see athletes receiving a massage – some of them call it a ‘flush’ – after a hard session, or to work out those aches and pains. Some people say it helps remove lactic acid, or release knots from muscles, etc and it can be valuable to aid relaxation, with many finding it a pleasant experience.”
Murray also highlights the small gaps between success and failure, noting that in the Olympics the difference between gold and fourth is less than 1 per cent, in which case sports massage may help bridge such gap
Raheny Shamrock AC’s Mick Clohisey, who represented Ireland in the marathon at last year’s Rio Olympics, uses massage in his training regime. “I have a regular physio,” he told The Irish Times, “and I find it beneficial to have somebody who gets to know my own body.” During heavy training periods Clohisey has a sports massage every other week, saying it is mainly for “maintenance and injury prevention”.
So what happens following muscle damage? There are four phases of skeletal muscle repair: degeneration, inflammation, regeneration and fibrosis – an excess accumulation of connective tissue, which affects muscle flexibility. Muscle regeneration involves an influx of reparative cells that are mainly muscle-derived stem cells (MDSC). MDSCs enhance the repair of skeletal muscle, and they also secrete a chemical called vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), promoting blood vessel formation whole reducing fibrosis. And laboratory studies show that mechanical stimulation of MDSCs increases their production of VEGF, which brings us to mechanical stimulation by massage.

Clohisey – Ireland’s cross-country champion in 2014 and 2015, and last year’s winner of the Raheny five-mile road race – is clear: “I definitely think massage helps improve recovery and increases blood flow, which helps repair muscles after hard stress. However, I do feel that a too deep massage can be counter-productive at times and can leave your muscles sore for a few days. I generally try to get a massage on an easy training day and also a few days out from a race as opposed to right before. If you undertake massage regularly, the less intense it has to be, and your body becomes accustomed to it. I would also encourage drinking plenty of water post-session as you tend to become quite dehydrated.”
For those constrained by cash and/or time, a popular and relatively recent innovation is the use of foam rollers – basically, cylinders of firm foam. This entails an individual using their own body mass on a roller to exert pressure on affected soft tissues such as, for example, quadriceps, hamstrings, calf and gluteal muscles. In a review of the topic, published in the journal Current Sports Medicine Reports (2015: 14; 200?208), nine studies were examined, with the authors concluding that the use of foam rollers as a massage tool “. . . appears to have a positive effect on range of motion and soreness/fatigue following exercise, but further study is needed to define optimal parameters (timing and duration of use) to aid performance and recovery.” In their general discussion of massage, while the authors cited “many gaps in the literature and inconclusive evidence on the benefits of massage”, they acknowledged that “Sports medicine personnel believe that massage provides many benefits to the body through biomechanical, physiological, neurological and psychological mechanisms.”
For runners considering introducing sports massage into their training schedules, Mick Clohisey offers this advice: “I would recommend not getting one too close to competition and also to rest afterwards or even take a light jog a few hours after, if possible, to ‘shake out’ the legs. In addition,” says Clohisey, “if you’re already injured, be careful not to aggravate an injury with massage. That’s were a knowledgeable, trustworthy physio is important.”
In recent years research has focused on whether massage following intense physical exercise may also benefit the immune system. For example, studies have shown that massage enhances the parasympathetic – or the so-called “rest and digest” – nervous system; increases both saliva secretion and the production of alpha-amylase, an enzyme involved in neutralising bacteria in the mouth; and “pushes” neutrophils – a type of white blood cell – away from sites of inflammation and back into the bloodstream. These studies are cited by Dr Manuel Arroyo-Morales – of Spain’s University of Granada – and colleagues, whose report in the journal Physical Therapy in Sport (2015, 16: 187-192) describes their investigation, entitled “Immunological effects of massage after exercise: a systematic review”.

source : - George Winter

Friday, 17 March 2017

Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?

How to Treat a Pulled Muscle in 7 Steps

Every time you exercise, you put microscopic tears in your muscles. That's what's behind that next-day hurts-so-good soreness. And after your body repairs these tears, you become stronger, faster, and fitter. But if you stretch a muscle too far, lift too much, or are working out with a muscle imbalance, you might not just have microscopic tears to deal with. You could literally tear your muscle into pieces. We have your solution

Pulls, sprains, and tears (all the same thing) range in severity. Grade 1 means the injury hurts but you can still move the muscle without too much trouble and it could heal in less than a week. Grade 3 means the muscle has ripped clean off of your tendon or bone and you'll probably need surgery to reattach it. Ouch.
"Think of your muscles like a piece of fabric that you're holding in front of you, between your two hands," says Jared Beckstrand, PT, DPT, physical therapist and founder of Tone and Tighten. "If I were to pull that fabric in opposite directions, it would stretch up to a certain point. If I continued to pull, some of those fibers would start to break. Then, given enough force, the entire thing would eventually rip right in half." Yeahhh, your muscles can do the same thing. Fun times.
Despite the gnarly description, exercisers rarely know how to treat a pulled muscle or do anything to treat their muscle sprains. They just try to tough it out, says Janet Hamilton, CSCS, a clinical exercise physiologist with Running Strong in Atlanta. Bad idea. When not treated properly, even seemingly minor pulls can contribute to more severe ones later on. And those can send you to surgery and take you out of commission of several months.
Plus, if you do have a serious strain, you only have a window of a few weeks before your doctor really can't do anything for you, explains Hamilton. She recently had an MRI just in time to have a surgeon reattach her torn hamstring muscle.
So how do you know if your post-workout pain is a strain? Typically, the pain will be sharp, intense, and localized to one specific spot along your muscle, Beckstrand says. Massaging the area will likely hurt, and you may even feel a knot. While it generally hurts less when you're resting the muscle, it may still feel uncomfortable and spasm, Hamilton adds. Usually, the pain comes on all at once.
Sound all too familiar? Here's how to treat a pulled muscle and feel better STAT:
1. Elevate, compress, and ice it.
The sooner you can get the pulled muscle above your heart, apply compression, and ice it, the better, Hamilton says. All will help reduce inflammation and keep blood from pooling in your muscle—because, yes, torn muscles can bleed. Ice it for 15 minutes every hour or two for at least 24 hours following the pull, and continue elevating the area for an entire week whenever possible, she says. As far as compression goes, Beckstrand recommends wearing a neoprene sleeve, ACE wrap, or compression garment to squeeze excess blood out of the area, support the muscle, and speed recovery. Wait at least a week to wean yourself off of compression gear, advises Hamilton.
2. Avoid pain medications.
Granted, of course, you can bear it. "Pain medications like over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs may not be your friend here," Hamilton says. "By interfering with the normal inflammatory process—an important part of healing—pain medications may interfere with the cascade of events needed to jump-start tissue regeneration and repair." If you do take pain meds, make sure to follow the bottle's directions. If they say to take two, don't go ahead and take three.
3. Watch for bruising.
If a bruise pops up around the pain site, your pulled muscle is likely serious. Bruising occurs when the muscle is torn so badly that it bleeds into your body, Hamilton says. That's a surefire sign you need to go to the doctor. But keep in mind, if the tear is deep in your muscle, it could take a few days for any blood to rise to your skin's surface and cause bruising, she says.
4. Don't stretch or roll it out.
At least don't do it immediately after pulling it. After all, stretching a sprained muscle will only pull the torn ends farther apart, potentially making things a whole lot worse, Hamilton says. The same goes for foam rolling. "Give it a chance to try to knit back together before you get too aggressive with the foam roller. There's a time and place for that but it's not in the acute phase," she says. If the strain is minor—and most are—you can try gently rolling the muscle a few days after pulling it. If foam rolling hurts, back off and try again in a couple days, she advises.
5. See a doctor.
"The biggest issue I see with muscle strains is people wait way too long before they come in to get help," Beckstrand says. After a few weeks, your body has already tried to heal itself, which often results in permanent scarring and tissue damage. "Rehab for a muscle strain becomes much more difficult with time," he says. "My recommendation is that if you're experiencing symptoms of a muscle strain injury, don't let symptoms go on for longer than two weeks without consulting your medical provider." The ideal expert is a physical therapist. Before scheduling an appointment, call your insurance company and find out if you have to see a primary care first to get a referral, recommends Hamilton. Some insurance companies insist on a referral, and you want to make sure all visits are covered.
6. Take it easy.
Depending on the severity of your strain, you may need to take anywhere from a few days to a few months off of exercise so that the muscle can heal itself. When you do head back to the gym, start with gentle bodyweight exercises (no plyometrics), Beckstrand says. Progressively add more sets, reps, and eventually weight. All the while, remember that the muscle should never hurt. If it does, stop the exercise and either try a different variation or back off entirely, he says.
7. Consider what went wrong.
As long as your pulled muscle isn't a case of "I tripped and fell," you need to address the cause of your muscle pull, Hamilton says. You may have a muscle imbalance that, if left untreated, will continue to contribute muscle strain. (For instance, runners often suffer hamstring tears because their glutes are too weak, she says.) Consider how you're training all of the muscles in your injured body part. And don't hesitate to talk to a physical therapist or exercise physiologist about how you can correct any muscle imbalances.
source By K. Aleisha Fetters